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A switch allows users to select between one of two opposing states or options.

Code documentation


The switch component is made up of four elements.

  1. Thumb
  2. Track
  3. Helper text
  4. Label



Labels are not required if an adjacent label is included that adequately describes the purpose of the switch and is correctly referenced to the field for accessibility purposes.

A switch with a hidden label

Helper text

Helper text can be included alongside the label to provide additional context or guidance for using the control.

A switch with helper text included


Text overflow

When labels wrap to multiple lines, the first line of the text remains vertically centered with the control. Helper text simply wraps to the next line.

An example of a long label and helper text wrapping to a second line


Switches can be either unselected or selected. Each of those statuses has five states:

  1. Enabled
  2. Focus
  3. Hover
  4. Active
  5. Disabled
The unselected switch includes enabled, focus, hover, active, disabled, and pending states.
The selected switch includes enabled, focus, hover, active, disabled, and pending states.