Checkbox group
Checkbox groups display a related set of options where multiple options can be selected.
Code documentation
The checkbox group component is made up of six elements.
- Label
- Required indicator
- Helper text
- Control
- Default slot
- Error text

Checkbox groups can include a label that describes the related controls.

Helper text
Helper text can be included to convey additional information about the controls. The label must be present for helper text to display.

Default slot
The default slot accommodates any number of checkboxes that are contextually related.

Required indicator
Checkbox groups can be marked as either required or optional which triggers relevant validation on the form. The indicator is a preset and styled element placed just after the label, not manually entered as part of the label string.
Required form elements are used when the majority of the form elements are optional, but a few need to be marked as required.
Optional form elements are used when the majority of the form elements are required, but a few elements need to be marked as optional.

Checkbox groups can be either vertical or horizontal depending on the layout requirements of the user interface. The default orientation is vertical.

An invalid state can be triggered on checkbox groups to indicate that a value needs to be entered or that the entered value is invalid. Error text is always displayed as part of the invalid state to allow for a generic error message or provide specific guidance as to what needs to be fixed. Error text is always displayed in addition to any helper text that is present and below the default slot.

Text overflow
Label text that is longer than the available space wraps to a new line.

Helper and error text
Helper and error text wrap to a new line when they are too long for available horizontal space.

Required and optional indicators
Figma currently doesn’t allow multiple objects to naturally wrap inline. As a result, the label
horizontal resizing changes to hug when showIndicator
is turned on. This may cause the label
to break out of the container. There are a few ways to visually fix this limitation:
- Rewrite the
so it is shorter and no longer wraps. - Resize jh-checkbox-group to prevent the
from wrapping. - Manually add the indicator to the label text and style as appropriate. (This will require clarification for developers since this is somewhat of a hack.)
- Leave the indicator turned off and note in the spec how it needs to be set when implemented.
Multiple controls
To balance most use cases with a visually streamlined component, the checkbox group displays three checkboxes by default with an additional seven hidden. You can manually show any of the additional checkboxes as needed. If there are circumstances where you need more than ten checkboxes or a different arrangement (such as multiple rows), you can create a new layout with the number of checkboxes needed, componentize it, and replace the default instance with your custom version.
Disabled states
Currently, disabled
states must be set on the individual control, not the checkbox group. To convey disabled
checkboxes, drill down to the nested checkbox-group-control layer and change the state
property to disabled